A Simple Guide to Deploy Java Web Application in AWS
Looking to deploy your Java web application on AWS (Amazon Web Services)?
But not having any idea to do that? Need not worry, this simple guide is for you to flexibly deploy Java web into AWS in a simple, hassle-free, and less time-consuming manner. Once understood, you can hire Java developer to start the deployment process and save a great deal of the enterprise’s investment.
So, in this short yet simple guide, we will be covering the following few touchpoints:
* What is AWS?
* Why Do you Need to Deploy Java Web App on AWS?
* General Best Practices to Consider Before Deployment
* 8 Steps to Deploy a Java App on AWS
What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?
Amazon Web Services or better known as AWS is a Cloud Service available for all enterprises to deploy their applications, software, and websites on building blocks.
AWS offers the structured, spacious, and secured Cloud Storage and platform to businesses deploying their enterprises’ app or websites without bearing heavy IT infrastructure cost.
Introduced in 2004, Amazon Web Services now boast more than 1,00,000 users all across 190 nations including India, North America, South America, Canada, China, European Union, and more.
There are several services categorized under AWS are as follows:
* Storage
* Computing
* Database
* Migration
* Network & Content Delivery
* Messaging
* Management Tools
* Security & Identity Compliance
Why Deploy Java Web Application on AWS?
1. Simple to Use: Amazon Web Services offers the flexibility to deploy any size or type of application, whether it is an existing one or a new SaaS-based application. It provides a comprehensive Cloud space to securely host your applications. On top of that, AWS offers a user-friendly AWS Management Console that allows businesses to effectively access and run their application.
2. Flexible: AWS offers enterprises the flexibility to choose a preferred choice of programming language, operating system, web app platform, database, and other functionalities while deploying a Java web app. It offers you a flexible virtual environment to load the software and its services.
3. Less Price: As compared to other Cloud Services, AWS is the most affordable one. It offers a Pay-as-you-go service to enterprises to pay only for the computing power, storage, and other resources that they use. There will be no long-term contracts or lump-sum payment asked from your side.
4. Scalability: Using AWS, you can scale up your Java web application functionalities and reach. Amazon Web Services offer you several tools like Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing to scale up your app up or down accordingly.
5. Reliable: There is no doubt in the fact that businesses can rely on AWS as being a part of the multi-billion dollar company Amazon.com running successfully for over a decade.
6. Highly Secured: AWS uses an end-to-end encryption approach to fully safeguard enterprise’s applications, websites, and software. Also, you need not take care of regular security updates because AWS takes care of the same accordingly.
Follow the General Best Practices of Deployment
Now, coming to the most important part of Java web application development i.e. to start deploying it in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Before starting, just understand the fact that every enterprise’s Java web application size, reach, and functionality is different. So, one-size-fits for all does not work in all such scenarios.
Despite that, there are some universal best practices to be followed by all enterprises while deploying Java web application.
* First understand the deployment, installations, and configuration characteristics of your application.
* It is better to understand the app’s expectations from initial deployment to futuristic availability, scalability, and backup requirements.
* Make the best use of automation wherever possible.
* Get the source code or application repositories to protect your app.
8 Steps to Deploy a Java App on AWS
Before you start following the starting steps, first you need the following few things:
* Eclipse Java EE IDE
* Amazon Ec2 Account
* Basic understanding of Java web application
#Step 1
* Install AWS toolkit for eclipse plugin
* Go to Help>>Eclipse Market Place>>Search Amazon
* Click to Install on AWS Tool kit for eclipse
* Once installed, it will show the corresponding packages
#Step 2
* Go to Windows>>Preferences>>select AWS Toolkit and Fill the fields according to the Amazon Ec2 account
* Give your name to the account but also gives exact values to Access Key ID and Secret Access Key according to your Amazon account.
* In the optional configuration, Expand it to give account id exact values to that field.
#Step 3
* Go to Windows>>Show View>>Other>>Select AWS Toolkit View>>Select all the views>> Select Ok
* Now you see the perspective views of AWS
#Step 4
* Now the configuration is over
* Create Amazon ec2 server
* Go to File>>New>>Other>>Server>>server>>select Amazon ec2 or Amazon Elastic Server Tomcat version 6 or version 7
* Fill in the fields and finish
#Step 5
* Create a Dynamic Web project
* Go to File>>New>>Other>>Web>> Dynamic Web Project
* Choose AWS Ec2 or Elastic runtime as a target runtime
* Click Finish
#Step 6
* Create a serverlet and Finish
* Change the doGet()in serverlet
#Step 7
* Right-click on the Serverlet>>Run as>> Run on Server>>Select the server you created above and Finish
#Step 8
* Eclipse will automatically open the webpage that you have created earlier.
Deployment is done!
Final Note
Get to know the easy and simple way out to deploy your Java web application in Amazon Web Service. It brings the benefit of reducing infrastructural cost, seamless operations, and an optimum level of Cloud security. Get end-to-end deployment and Java development services from JavaIndia.
Frequently Asked Questions?
1. What is Java?
Java is a programming language and computing platform that helps to create feature-rich and scalable mobile and web applications. Java is fast, secure, and reliable in terms of developing apps for diverse enterprises.
2. What is the Benefit of Deploying Java Web App on AWS?
Deploying Java web application on AWS results in reducing the in-house infrastructure cost, get dedicated storage space on Cloud, hassle-free operations of the app from any geographical location, and acquire a secured environment.
3. What is the Time Duration of Deployment?
The time to deploy a Java web application in AWS is based on different industrial requirements, features, size, and complexity of the application. It is because one size does fit all the applications.